These are the photos I'll be using for my Alternative Photography final...I still have to print them onto my watercolor paper...I'm using gum bichromate, and I've already painted it on, so all I need to do is develop! What do you think?
My cousin, Brianne, was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis a few years ago and has already gone blind in her right eye. Her husband, Branndon, has entered the Lashes to Riches contest to try and win $100,000 so he can buy an RV and travel the country with her before they have kids or she goes completely blind. He's been keeping it a secret from her, but I thought I'd help him out by trying to get his Youtube video to reach more people. Please watch it and help in any way you can to get his video noticed! Clickhere to watch his video. Thank you!
The sunset was so beautiful tonight, but I couldn't see it! I could only see the reflection of it on the Medical Building next door. Don't you think it would've been pretty though?
All photographs belong to Kayli Johnson Photography. If you would like to set up an appointment or purchase any of the photographs you see, please contact me at